Motherhood Monday: How to Cope when You Feel Overwhelmed as a Mom.
Hey mama, I get it. I know you get overwhelmed and overstimulated. I also know you don’t have much time for reading… so here are a few quick coping ideas for when you are feeling overwhelmed or needing some help with self-regulation.
This is part a mini-series called Motherhood Monday. I’ll be posting information on Mondays just for you mama!
Ask God for help. Trust that he hears you. Pray scripture over yourself. Remember what is true.
““But [God] said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” ”
Use your five senses.
Using your 5 senses helps to start the process of your body calming itself. Bringing awareness to your senses activates your parasympathetic nervous system (that’s the calming one).
Smell something nice. I know you’ve been smelling diapers and spit-up. Find something that you enjoy smelling and take in a nice deep breath.
Go outside and look at something calming. Trees, flowers, the sky.
Taste something you enjoy, and think about and savor the taste.
Listen to calming music or something like white noise. Whatever you find personally calming to you. Another way to activate your sense of hearing is to state out loud how you are feeling, and what you see, smell, taste, and touch.
Notice what you are touching. Maybe you chose to touch a soft fabric or a plant, or you just pay special attention to what you are already touching. Is it smooth or rough? Warm or cold? Malleable or rigid? What else can you identify?
Check your physical needs.
When did you last move your body? Take time to stretch, go for a walk, or get some exercise. Bonus points if you do this outside!
When did you last drink water? Eat a nutritious snack or meal?
Reach out.
Text or call a friend or supportive person. Let them know how you’re doing. Invite them to speak truth and hope into this moment.
I know there are moments in motherhood that feel incredibly overwhelming and you aren’t sure how you are going to get through them. Yet, as Christians we can lean into the truth that God is sovereign over our lives and he will never leave us or forsake us. We can also trust that he is working all things together for our good.
Keep running the race with endurance, mama.
Let me know some of your helpful tips for when you are feeling overwhelmed the comments below!